ACS Group 39,36 0,92%
IBEX 35 11.152,00 0,42%

In April 2021, the international standard ISO 37301 on compliance management systems was published, followed in September of that year by the ISO 37000 standard on governance of organisations. Bearing the content of both these rules in mind, the ACS Board of Directors approved in December 2021 its Corporate Governance Policy in which reference was already made to the organisation's Global Compliance Management System, which aims to implement a model that respects the Group's highly decentralised management structure, allows the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Spanish listed parent company to monitor and assess the effectiveness of the non-financial risk management systems related to the Company and the Group,as well as compliance with the duties of diligence of the parent with regard to subsidiaries, through a system of double risk control in the various compliance areas.


This defines an ongoing process of interaction among elements of the organisation to establish Policies, Objectives and Processes so that the organisation complies with its obligations in an efficient and sustainable manner in the long term, generating evidence of the organisation's commitment to compliance and taking into account the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.

Even though ACS already had, since 2018, a global compliance management system with a comprehensive vision and cross-cutting structure from the start, not limited criminal matters, this management model was consolidated as ACS became the first unregulated listed Spanish company certified in ISO 37301 for compliance management systems in October 2022.

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